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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Weaver

Keep Your Circle Small

Hello again!

Welcome back to another blog! This week I will be writing about friendships in high school. I remember being in 8th grade and everyone telling me how my friend group would be smaller and completely different by the time I left high school. I never understood what that meant. I was very intimidated by that statement but choose to brush it off. Here I am, a senior in high school, and I now understand exactly what they all meant.

Like I talked about in my last blog, high school is the time to find yourself. People change. It is important to note that you will too. Priorities shift, so do morals. You will start to realize your ¨bestie¨ may not be behind your back.

As you get older, you start to make your own choices. It becomes easier to narrow down who you enjoy being around and who you don't. My best advice to you is to pay attention to who you are with when you are the happiest. Life is too short to waste your time on people you don't like.

All I just said may seem like common sense- I would agree. But, trust me it is much easier said than done. Once you are in high school, a lot of people have one thing in common: wanting to be popular. Once you throw popularity into the mix, things get complicated. You may find yourself trying to have as many Snapchat streaks as you can or keeping friends around because they can get you invited to parties.

I seriously can't stress enough how important it is to realize all of that does not matter. Once you open your eyes and understand friends are quality over quantity, you will become happier. Keep your circle small! Only let people in that you trust and who make you a better you. I would take having 2 really great friends over having 20 mediocre friends any day. You are not lame for having a small, tight friend group. You have your priorities straight and know who makes you the happiest. That is a win in my book!

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