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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Weaver

Life Goes On

Updated: Nov 16, 2020

Hello everyone! Welcome back for another blog post. This week I am going to be writing about the not so fun part of high school: the actual school part.

With the gazillion other things that are going on in your life during high school, the last thing anyone wants to do is write a five-page essay or learn a language they have no desire to learn. Like for real, I will never understand why we have to learn half the things we do during these 4 years.

And although most of us find our assignments useless, we still find ourselves stressing over a bad grade and staying up till 2 AM memorizing study guides.

I am here to tell you a secret. That math test you're stressing about will not determine if you get into a college or not. That book report you did bad on is not the end of the world. Don't get me wrong, school is so important, but you should not let it ruin your day or mess up your sleep pattern. At the end of the day, it is just high school. You are so much more than a letter on top of a piece of paper. Do not get worked up over a test. Just think how excited you will be once it is over with.

My favorite part of being a senior is realizing things like this. I will now choose the extra hour of sleep over the few points. Put in the work, but remember to take time for yourself. Honestly, just be proud of yourself for doing the assignments and attempting to study.

I know a bad grade is tough, especially when you thought you deserved better. If it makes you feel any better, I don't remember a single assignement from my freshman year... heck I don't even remember assignments from last year. Take the sting and move on. Maybe even laugh about it, that's what I do. But always remember... life goes on!

Before you know it youll be a senior and hopefully already committed to a college. Thats where I'm at. I finally enjoy going to school knowing my future is already set. You will ger there too!

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