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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Weaver

Let Them Talk!

Updated: Oct 22, 2020

Hello everyone!

For this blog, I decided to share with you all the biggest life lesson I have taken from high school: You can not care what other people think of you. Yes, this is much easier said than done, but I promise you, once you believe it, you will have the world by the tail.

You will quickly learn, if you haven't already, that everyone seems to have an opinion on everything you do. LITERALLY everything. From what you wear, to who you talk to, be prepared to hear what other people think of it. It almost gets comical about how much people seem to care about your life. Sometimes I wondered if that is what famous people feel like. I mean, if someone finds the need to comment on what I say and do, I must hold some high power that I am unaware of... right?

I know from experience how tough it is when people talk about you. There have been times I've heard things about myself that ruined my day. But, over the years, I think I have concluded that others talk down on people to make them feel better about themselves. Think about it. If someone comments on how ¨fat¨ I look in my Instagram post, they needed a motive to point out my flaws. They needed to find a flaw in me to make them feel better about themselves. People are jealous. Let them be. Take it as a compliment and move on.

At the end of the day, you're the only one living your life, and you only get one life to live. If you let others' opinions get to your head, I promise you that you will look back and regret it. Focus on yourself. Focus on what you like and what makes you happy. If the sweat pants are comfy, wear them. If you like the way that filter looks on your photo, use it.

Life is too short to care what others think. High school is the time to find who you are. Become who you want to be, not who you feel like you need to be. Once you graduate you won't see 80% of those people again, but you will always have yourself. Be yourself and live how you want. Your opinion on yourself is much more important than theirs. Life is much more fun when you do not care. Let them talk!

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